
Three Ways To Use a Chisel


When you are investing in tools, you may think that it is generally best to stay away from cheap tools. After all, low price equals low quality, right? In most cases, this would be correct. However, it is not always. While there is some equipment, such as a drill, that you should definitely invest in to buy a more expensive option, a chisel is one of the tools that you can buy cheaply and have it work just as well.

4 August 2016

What to Remember When Having Shipping Crates Custom Made for Your Facility


Custom made shipping crates can allow you to easily pack and ship a variety of items and know they'll arrive safely and securely. Custom crates can also be used as displays for retail stores, trade shows, and the like. When you're ready to have custom crates made for your facility, you want to ensure you're not overlooking any detail about its design or construction. Note a few things to remember so you know you'll be happy with your crates, and the manufacturer you choose, for years to come.

4 August 2016

Your Hydraulic Cylinder Has Contaminated Fluid


You know you need to complete hydraulic cylinder repair because it has not been functioning properly, but you don't know what the problem is. Contaminated fluid in a hydraulic cylinder is a common problem and is not difficult to fix. However, before you diagnose it, look at the symptoms to make sure you are performing the correct hydraulic cylinder repair services. Dangers Contamination can cause the seal between your rods to be damaged and unable to complete its purpose in the hydraulic cylinder.

4 August 2016

Tips For Creating a Fire Evacuation Plan


When you run a business, it is important that you make your building safe for all of your employees, customers, and clients. This includes ensuring you have proper protection from fire. After installing fire alarms and having fire safety equipment on the premises, you also need to create an evacuation plan. The following tips will help you do that. Choose a Meeting Place Outside The first part of the evacuation plan is to figure out a good place for everyone to meet outside.

4 August 2016

Five Things to Consider When Choosing Windows for Your Tiny Home


Wondering which type of windows you should add to your tiny house? The possibilities are endless, and there are several things you should keep in mind. Take a look at these ideas: 1. Single Versus Double Pane Windows Single pane windows tend to be less expensive and more lightweight than double pane windows. If you plan to move your little home on a regular basis or are running on a tight budget, consider single pane windows.

2 August 2016

Tips to Help You Weld Flawlessly


Many metal fabrication hobbyists need to weld different materials from time to time. However, many of them make mistakes due to their limited knowledge about the complexities involved in welding. This article discusses some tips that will help hobbyists to have better welding results during sheet metal fabrication using GTAW (gas tungsten arc welding). Think About the Material A good weld starts with understanding the attributes of the material that you are going to weld.

2 August 2016

Why Air Flow Aids May Be Better Than Chemical Flow Aids


Material handling equipment, such as discharge bins, can frequently clog when the materials being transported attach to the walls of the vessel and constrict subsequent movements. This article discusses how pneumatic flow aids may be a better way to remove those blockages instead of using chemical flow aids. Ease of Installation Pneumatic flow aids, such as air cannons, can easily be integrated into the existing material flow system. This is in contrast to chemical flow aids that may require you to redesign the flow system.

2 August 2016

Consider Concrete Recycling When Engaging In Demolition and Construction


One of the more popular building materials in both urban and rural areas is concrete. This is due to its durability as well as its versatility in an assortment of applications. However, when demolition and construction occurs, there is a significant amount of concrete waste that is created. Typically, this debris would be disposed of in landfills. Nevertheless, this is not the best way to eliminate concrete that has been previously used.

2 August 2016

Four Benefits of Using Insulated Roofing Panels on Your Tiny House


Insulating the roof of your tiny home stalls the loss of heat or cool air, making your home efficient, one of the major goals of tiny home design. While there are many insulation options, however, insulated roofing panels may be the most convenient and effective. Here's a look at why: 1. Thinner than batting to optimise space Most insulated panels feature special materials that are pressed together to providing insulating value.

1 August 2016

5 Reasons Why You Should Swap Your Industrial Metal Grates For FRP Grating


Grates are commonly used in industrial settings as flooring, decking covers, and elevated structural surfaces. Traditionally, steel has been the outright choice for this role due to its durability and strength. However, with the rise of fibreglass, FRP grating is soon becoming the better option. Below, find out why and learn the different perks (FRP) fibre reinforced plastic has to offer. 1.      Easy installation Thanks to the fibre and plastic materials it's comprised of, FRP grates are very light compared to their steel counterparts.

1 August 2016